Chlor, Kalk & Mikroplastik: Die unsichtbaren Haut-Killer in deinem Wasser

Chlorine, Lime & Microplastics: The Invisible Skin Killers in Your Water

Have you ever wondered why your skin is dry, irritated or impure despite using high-quality skincare products? Perhaps the problem is not your skincare routine, but the water you use to wash your face. Tap...
Deine Skincare funktioniert nicht? Vielleicht liegt’s an deinem Wasser

Your skincare isn't working? Maybe it's your water

Have you already tried numerous skincare products, but your skin remains irritated, dry or impure? Then the problem may not be with your creams or serums - but with the water you use to wash...
Ist dein Leitungswasser wirklich so rein, wie du denkst? Die versteckten Risiken für deine Haut

Is your tap water really as pure as you think? The hidden risks for your skin

Tap water in Germany is considered to be one of the best in the world. It is strictly controlled, is free of dangerous bacteria and is officially approved as drinking water. But does that really...
Ist deutsches Leitungswasser wirklich so gut für deine Haut?

Is German tap water really that good for your skin?

Germany is known for its high quality drinking water. Tap water is strictly controlled and considered safe. But does that mean it's good for your skin? Many people invest in expensive skincare products without questioning...
Wie du dein Leitungswasser in eine echte Skincare-Lösung verwandelst

How to turn your tap water into a real skincare solution

Clean water is the most important but often forgotten part of an effective skincare routine. Here's how to optimize your tap water.
Chlor, Kalk & Mikroplastik: Die unsichtbaren Haut-Killer in deinem Wasser

Chlorine, Lime & Microplastics: The Invisible Skin Killers in Your Water

You invest in high-quality skincare products, stick to a strict skincare routine - and still struggle with dry skin, blemishes or irritation? Perhaps the problem is not your skincare, but your water. Tap water may...
Deine Skincare funktioniert nicht? Vielleicht liegt’s an deinem Wasser

Your skincare isn't working? Maybe it's your water

You invest in expensive serums, creams and masks - but your skin remains impure, dry or irritated? Perhaps the problem is not in your products, but in something that you use every day but never...
Hartes Wasser und Akne: Gibt es einen Zusammenhang?

Hard water and acne: is there a connection?

Have you tried countless skincare products, but your skin remains impure? Perhaps the problem is not your skincare, but your water. Hard water can disrupt the skin barrier, clog pores and promote inflammation in the...
Dein Gesicht mit Poolwasser waschen? Warum du Chlor in deinem Wasser nicht ignorieren solltest

Washing your face with pool water? Why you shouldn't ignore chlorine in your water

Nobody would voluntarily wash their face with pool water - right? But that's exactly what happens every day when you clean your face with unfiltered tap water. 📌 Fact: 98% of tap water in Germany...